Lowerhouses CE Primary School

Working and Achieving Together to Enrich Lives and Nurture Bright Futures

Mrs R. Shaw

Lowerhouses Lane, Lowerhouses, Huddersfield, HD5 8JY



Religious Education


At Lowerhouses School, we believe that Religious Education prepares our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life. We believe that the teaching of RE underpins our whole school ethos of care by promoting the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children.

Through their Religious Education our pupils are taught to undertand the teachings of the Christian Faith, along with other world faiths, and understand how they impact on their own lives and those of the wider community.


In Religious Education pupils discover, explore and consider different answers to big questions, in local, national and global contexts, through learning about and from religions and other world views. RE teaching supports our commitment to equality through developing an understanding that all people are unique and special regardless of social class gender, age, belief, social orientation disability or special educational need.


Pupils should gain and develop the skills needed to understand, interpret and evaluate texts, sources of wisdom and authority and other evidence. They learn to articulate clearly and coherently their personal beliefs, ideas, values and experiences while respecting the right of others to differ.









RE is taught in accordance with the approved Kirklees Agreed Syllabus, the following religions have been selected for study:

  • Christianity/Understanding Christianity
  • Islam
  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Buddhism
  • Sikhi


The teaching of Religious Education makes a distinctive contribution to the school curriculum as it allows all pupils to explore, understand and express their own response to spiritual and religious approaches to life. Our Religious Education curriculum provides high quality teaching and learning, which in turn enriches the children’s learning experiences.








The children at Lowerhouses School enjoy learning about other religions and why people choose to follow a religion. Through their R.E. learning, the children are

able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world. Through R.E. our children are developing an understanding of other people’s cultures and ways of life and worship, which they are then able to communicate to the wider community.  As a result, children show high levels of self-awareness and model respect and empathy for others.

Our children will achieve age related expectations or better in RE at the end of their cohort year demonstrating the required skills of their year group curriculum. Pupils will use acquired vocabulary in lessons across other aspects of the school day and school life. Through discussion and feedback, children will talk enthusiastically about their R.E. lessons and other faith days.