Welcome to our Governors Page
Here you will find information about the governing body who are responsible for the governance of Lowerhouses CE Primary School.
Our governing body has adopted the NGA Model Code of conduct 2022. A Copy can be viewed here NGA Code of Conduct
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please email office@lowerhousesschool.co.uk.
If you are interested in becoming a governor at our school you can contact the school office or alternatively, Kirklees Governing Bodies on 01484 221000.
Meet The Governors
Mrs Shaw Headteacher
Mr Allinson Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor
Mr Carter Vice Chair of Governors Parent Governor |
Mrs Chamberlain LA Governor
Mr Stockhill Staff Governor
Mr Nadeem Parent Governor
Mr Bonnell Co-opted Governor |
Mr Woodward Foundation Governor
Mrs McGuckian Co-opted Governor
Each of our Governors is partnered up with one of our classes. They love to come and see what we do!
Early Years |
Mr Woodward |
Orange Class |
Mr Carter |
Yellow Class |
Mr Bonnell |
Green Class |
Mr Allinson |
Blue Class |
Mr Nadeem |
Indigo Class |
Mrs McGuckian |
Violet Class |
Mrs Chamberlain |
The Governing Body
The school governors are responsible for the governance of our school. Volunteering as a school governor is a challenging but rewarding role that offers the opportunity to make a difference for children and young people in your community.
Elements of the role include:
- Developing a vision and strategy for the school
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
- Holding the school leader to account to ensure that every pupil has the best possible education
- Engaging with pupils, staff, parents and the school community to understand their views of the school
To fulfil the role, you will need to:
- Attend regular meetings (around 6 each year)
- Visit the school occasionally
- Do some background reading
- Take part in induction training and ongoing development
Who can be a school governor?
- Anyone over 18 can be a school governor. Every governing body includes parent governors, and it can be a rewarding way to be involved in your child’s school.
- The most important qualities for being a governor are enthusiasm, commitment and an interest in education. You don’t need teaching experience, but it’s useful to bring skills from other areas of your life.
If you are interested in becoming a Governor at our school, please contact the school office on 01484 226672 to request further information.