Our School Vision
Working and achieving together to enrich lives and nurture bright futures
Our vision focuses on the core Christian concepts of life and light.
Jesus came to give life, and life to the full (John 10:10). He had a particular heart for the vulnerable, the excluded, and those who felt helpless and hopeless about life because his ministry amongst these people most clearly demonstrated why he came. As a school in a particularly deprived locality we therefore endeavour to point to the fullness of life offered by Jesus, by providing a richness of education to our diverse school community. Educational attainment is an important element of this rich education, but it also includes emotional wellbeing and positive attitudes to learning. Within our vision we also aspire to make Lowerhouses School an enriching place for staff and the wider community. (Wellbeing Awards for Schools, adult learning opportunities, Family learning together days)
Jesus also came into the world as a light (John 12:46). As a school it is our ambition that every one of our pupils will have a bright future. Light brings a clear vision, it reveals truth, it highlights opportunities, it enables progress, it gives confidence. Light always dispels darkness. As a school we therefore aim to reflect the light of Jesus, enabling pupils to develop a confident and positive sense of direction for their lives within the framework of our core Christian values and “Circle of God's Care”.
Our school is a community. We work and achieve together, recognising that each member of the school community is a unique person created in the image of God and loved by him, and that it is in our light-filled relationships with each other and with God, that we can experience and enjoy the fullness of life that God intends for us.
Lowerhouses School welcomes children from the community whatever their religious or cultural beliefs. The ethos at our school is encompassed in our Circle of God's Care. It is based on our core Christian values of; Trust, Forgiveness, Friendship, Truthfulness, Respect and Responsibility. Everyone is expected to exercise self discipline, take responsibility for their actions and show care and concern for people, the school, its contents and the wider community.
Our Circle of God's Care underpins the ethos of the school and provides all members of our school with the opportunity to develop their spirituality and a sympathetic understanding of faith.
It is based around care and respect for:
Our Community
Our World