Lowerhouses CE Primary School

Working and Achieving Together to Enrich Lives and Nurture Bright Futures

Mrs R. Shaw

Lowerhouses Lane, Lowerhouses, Huddersfield, HD5 8JY



Welcome to Year 3

Welcome to Green Class


Miss Heywood

Class teacher



Mrs Tatler



Welcome to Year 3.

Along with myself, Miss Heywood, the pupils will be assisted by Mrs Tatler, and Mr Lord will be teaching the children on Tuesday afternoons.

PE takes place on a Monday and Tuesday afternoon this half term. Children are required to come into school on those days wearing their PE kits (including jogging bottoms or tracksuit; PE T shirt; a warm sweat shirt or hoodie; PE socks; and trainers or pumps).They will go home on those days in their PE kit. Please make sure they bring their coat and school jumper as well on those days.

On Fridays pupils are given spellings to learn for a spelling test for the following Tuesday. The spellings are also on Spelling Shed (your child has the login details in the book in their book bag). Children are expected to read daily. As well as their reading book, their are lots of other books on Bug Club (again, the login details are in the book in their book bag).

It would help if you could help your children learn their Times Tables. They are expected to be able to have instant recall of the 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 times tables. We will be focusing on the 3 and 4 times tables this half term. This will form part of their homework.

Each half term, we have a Geography/History focus where we develop and learn skills and knowledge. These are:
Autumn 1: Walk Like an Egyptian
Autumn 2: European Cafe
Spring 1: Angry Earth
Spring 2: Rotten Romans
Summer 1: Roaming Through the Rainforest
Summer 2: The UK

In an afternoon, we focus on each topic by learning about lots of different things including, Science, History, Geography, Art, PE, Music, PSHE, French and Computing. We like to use our English and Maths skills in these lessons, to show how much we've learnt and understood in our morning lessons.

You will find our Parent Information Sheet and this year's spellings below.

If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to me.

Thank you

Mr Charles

Year 3 Spelling List 


actual(ly)          complete        favourite

address             consider         February

  answer              continue        forward(s)

appear                 decide             fruit

arrive             describe         grammar

believe             different         group

bicycle             difficult           guard

breath             disappear        guide

breathe            early              heard

build                earth              heart

busy/business   eight/eighth    height

calendar           enough           history

caught              exercise         imagine

centre             experience      increase

century           experiment      important

certain            extreme          interest

Year 3 Homophones List

(a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning, and may differ in spelling)












